Why He TALKED Marriage & Babies with You, and Then Disappeared

As a woman, what are you supposed to think when a guy talks about marriage too soon?

It feels too soon in your gut, so what are his actual intentions?

A lot of women want to know:

Do guys talk about marriage if they don’t mean it?

The short answer is YES.

The long answer is also a yes, and I will explain why.

First I will explain in general terms. And then, I will explain and give you the exact reason why men do this to you.


It’s for a specific, calculated reason.

Why He TALKED Marriage & Babies with You, and Then Disappeared

Why Does He Say He Wants To Marry Me So Quickly? The General Answer.

Imagine a long-lost friend you really liked but haven’t seen in years. Imagine you bump in to them on the street while you’re shopping on a Sunday afternoon.

You stop in your tracks.

“Heyyyy! Oh my goodness!! It’s been YEARS! What have you been up to? What are you doing here?”

You guys talk continuously for almost 10 minutes. And at the end, you are so happy to have bumped in to this friend and you say:

“Hey, let’s exchange numbers so we can catch up”.

Your long lost friend says, “Sure!” And she pulls out her cell phone, takes your number down, and you also type in his or her number into yours.

You guys then part ways with a warm, friendly smile and a promise to catch up for “coffee” soon.

Think about it…

How likely is it that you and your friend will end up catching up?

Not that likely.

It depends on the current life circumstances of you both, as well as on how close you used to be.

…And now it’s been 3 years and you guys still haven’t had that “catch up”.

Have you had an experience like this?


Well, you just got the general answer to your question: why do men TALK about marriage and babies with you and then disappear. It’s because…

People make PROMISES when it suits them at the time, and then they do not deliver on them.

It happens a lot. “I’ll call you!”

And nothing. Not a sound.

“We’ll catch up next week”. You say.

And you don’t.

The reality is that our time and energy is finite.

For us to really follow through on our promises, we have to really perceive that the cost in our energy and time is worth it.

Given that we all have so many responsibilities and things competing for our energy, it’s usually much easier for us to become lazy and not follow through instead.

Just so that we can conserve our energy for everything else in our lives.

We would all LIKE to be the person who follows through on our promises.

Yet, as usual, doing what you SAY is much harder than saying what you will DO.

NOW here’s the real, key question:

Why did HE do that? Why do MEN do that?

SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little known “Dark Feminine Art” to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. (CLICK HERE to enrol in this free class before it’s gone.)

Why Do Guys Talk About Marriage If They Don’t Mean It?

They talk about marriage even when they don’t mean it, because they want you to lower your defences to offering them what they want.

They want company, sex and convenience.

So they use the lowest effort thing possible to get it:

Empty words.

Empty promises.

Why Do Men Say They Want Marriage And Then Disappear?

There are only TWO possible core reasons why some men say they want marriage and then disappear…

The First Reason

Because he wanted to feel more passion, and attraction in his life, and he really DID want to provide that to you.

(He DID have good intentions) but in the end, he just felt too incapable.

He might have SAID something like:

“I can’t do this anymore” or

“I’m so busy” or

“You need someone better”

BUT – what he really MEANS and what he won’t TELL you is this:

He’s scared.

He doesn’t want to not be able to make you happy as a woman, because as a man, he’d rather DIE or lose two legs, than feel like a failure in front of you.

Or feel like another man could provide so much MORE for you.

See, what I’ve learned through counselling hundreds of women from all over the world and observing men, is that men intuitively sense that they need to be able to PROVIDE.

If they can’t provide, they have to live with the feeling that they have failed.

Question: if you were a man (and I mean a man, not a woman, so really put yourself inside of a male body right now, for the purpose of understanding)…

Would you feel just a LITTLE BIT like death inside if you had to face the reality that you couldn’t provide for a woman?

Whether emotionally, spiritually, emotionally, physically?

The answer is of course, yes.

Men know that they need to gain skills in this life so that they can provide and be worthy of a high value woman.

Do our feminine energy quiz: how feminine am i really?


Fact: Most women do not live day to day in their feminine energy. Are you? Answer the next 9 questions and discover exactly how much you are living in your feminine core...

1. Which of these comments make me feel the most alive?

2. In a high pressured situation, my natural instinct is to...

3. In the bedroom, i prefer someone who is...

4. If I’m in a supermarket, and I can’t find something…

5. If i had a deadline for a project in a month, I tend to...

6. When I am cooking, I can also carry on a conversation over the phone...

7. Which of the following describes the kind of intimate partners you’ve had in the past...

8. It would hurt me more if my intimate partner were to say to me:

9. In my ultimate dream world, I would rather…

Amazing! Let's look at your results...

We are analysing your quiz results right now and preparing a comprehensive summary. (It's a 15 min read)

This in-depth explanation and analysis will give you all the answers as to how feminine you are and how that affects every relationship you will have. 

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The Second Reason:

Because he wanted to have sex with you.

He knew that if he acted like the ultimate commitment-friendly guy, then he’d be able to get into your pants faster (and more regularly).

…And he thought that he could get that end goal if he promised marriage and babies.


There’s a word for it in modern dating: love bombing.

And sometimes, it isn’t even love bombing per se. Sometimes it’s just men promising a woman the world and then dumping her.

He was trying his luck. He was doing every last thing he could to get into your panties.

This behaviour can be a dating red flag, actually. Here’s some giant red flags in modern dating that you need to be aware of.

So he wanted to get into your pants.

Does that sound bad? Yes?

If it does, can I make a suggestion?

I know it sounds bad – but here’s the thing: if men didn’t have a desire to seek out sex, you wouldn’t be here.

AND – you would not be attracted to him.

You know bad boys? And alpha males?

Well, I don’t care how much you try to say you don’t want one of those men.

It’s in the female human’s DNA to sexually engage with or mate with the bad boy.

You might reject that sexual desire for bad boys in yourself. But you can’t deny the sexual attraction to a bad boy.

Even underneath all the attempts to resist them, because you’re really afraid that they will just leave you if you get involved with them.

That’s why some men become the bad boy. There would be no purpose to being a bad boy if there was no benefit with women.

So, give yourself a gift:

Start having some compassion for men and their desire for sex.

It’s not wrong.

Once you allow it and appreciate that it exists for a reason, you can relax, flow with and work with it.

If you can work with it, you’ll attract way more faithfulness and COMMITMENT from a man, because he’ll feel safe with you.

Just because a man wanted sex with you doesn’t mean he JUST wanted sex.

Heere’s a related article on the Real Secret Reason Why Men Push For Sex.

Yes he wanted sex and pushed for sex, but that could also mean that what he was really seeking was the feeling of attraction.

Men WANT sex, but what they NEED is attraction.

They want to feel something in their lives.

Some aliveness, some attraction and to engage with your feminine energy.

Something that gives purpose to their life. Because guess what?

A masculine man’s life is pretty straight-forward and one-dimensional.

There’s not much feminine energy in a man’s life. Which is what he’s really seeking.

What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her? Click here to find out right now…

Why Some Men Can TALK Marriage And Babies So Easily:

It’s not you. It’s not men.

It’s evolution.

If you are really SEXUALLY attracted to a man, when you first meet him, do you try to put your best foot forward?

Imagine for a moment, you happen to meet in PERSON, the most sexually attractive, successful, charming, handsome, loving and masculine man you can think of.

Who is he?

Name him quickly in your mind…

Do you try to smile and be the best you can be?

Or do you sit opposite him at the dinner table burping, farting and spitting?


(Hint: if you chose the last option, there’s no hope for you).

That is sexual attraction at work. That’s evolution at work.

Human beings are compelled to unconsciously put their ‘best’ selves forward when they are sexually attracted to someone.

So, yes, we’re basically liars.

Because what happens 2 years down the track if you get in to a relationship? The other parts of you start to come out.

You don’t try to put your best foot forward all the time anymore.

Because there’s no need to.

The less sexually attractive someone is to you, the less you care to make any promises or put your best foot forward.

So, why do we do this?

Well, because if we didn’t, we wouldn’t pass our genes on. You and I wouldn’t be here today.

If we can ‘hold out’ and be our best selves long enough for mating to happen.

Or if we can hold out long enough to keep a relationship to raise a human baby until it is at least 4 or 5, then we’ve done our job.

So as a woman who wants to have a family, and a loving man in her life, what do you do about this?

I’m glad you asked, because you really DO need to do something about it. You don’t want to waste your life away attracting men who run off on you.

Click here to know how to stay high value when when he pulls away

He Said He Wanted To Marry Me Then Dumped Me Or Vanished…

What should you do?

Let’s look at the first step… which is that you STOP ignoring your intuition.

Notice how his words feel when he says them. You already know he’s talking about marriage too soon. You already feel that he’s sweet talking you.

So, own that gut feeling.

Also, look at a man’s body language as he’s speaking to you.

Don’t just listen to his words.

Watch his body. Watch his eyes carefully, and not so much that you look like a stunned rat.

Trust yourself. You were born a woman, and you are smarter than to just trust his words, surely?

Right off the bat, as a woman I can tell if a man is genuine or not, by relaxing into my body and letting the truth (or the information) come to me.

And you need to get good at that, rather than buying in to your own story in your head that he means what he “says”.

learn the dark feminine art of High Value Banter here.

What If You’re Not Sure About His Intentions?

The truth is that even with the best intent, it’s easy to be confused by what a man promises you. In fact, lots of women routinely fall for a man’s love bombing.

However, this is why it is crucial that you learn to test men. If you don’t test, you don’t know how genuine he is.

You need to put the men you date on their metaphorical back-foot, and see how they respond. This is also how to can avoid the narcissists, abusers and manipulators.

Here’s how you do this: you use high value banter.

Banter is a playful way of communicating with men where you get to see how genuine they are about connecting with you and being attuned to you. You can learn all about what banter is and how to use it in this article.

A lot of women in our facebook community are using this and are having huge success with weeding out the low value men, and attracting the highest value men.

Here’s an example…

high value banter

You can take a free class on high value banter here.

SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little known “Dark Feminine Art” to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. (CLICK HERE to enrol in this free class before it’s gone.)

A WARNING About Manipulative Men:

A lot of men know to say they want a long-term relationship if they want to get easy sex.

They know the trick. Many women are suckers for men who seem like the ‘reliable’ ‘father-type’. This is why they use the “marriage and babies” card.

A lot of men already know that and play on it to get sex.

Just like women dress in mini skirts and barely-there fabrics when they want some easy attention.

It’s a bait and switch tactic.

Dressing revealingly makes men assume these women are open to casual sex, when really, they aren’t.

Most men can’t help but stop and stare at them though, because they are attracted to the perceived sexual opportunity.

Those women got what they wanted, but usually, the men didn’t get what they wanted.

The attention doesn’t last, but hey, the men looked, right? 

This is one reason why it’s important not to assume dressing revealingly is the answer. In fact, it can kill your chances of attracting a man who will actually intend to commit to you.

Here’s The Truth I Want You To Know:

You probably knew he didn’t mean it when he said he would give you babies and marriage.

You just wanted to believe him, and that’s OK. I understand.

Sometimes in life, it’s better to believe in something than to sit around with doubt. And that’s not a bad part of you.

It’s GOOD that you have the ability to believe. You just need to balance it with some practical thinking.

But let’s admit: it made you feel good to believe him. To feel hope, for a minute. And that’s ok.

Only, it’s not OK if you want a committed relationship, is it?

Do the quiz: how commitment friendly is my man?


Fact: Some men will string you along for as long as you will tolerate and never fully commit to you. Answer these 8 questions to discover precisely how commitment friendly your man is.

1. When I speak to other guys, and give attention to other men...

2. How willing is he to have a fight or argument with me?

3. What is his relationship with his father like?

4. When I first started dating him, he mentioned commitment & long term relationships

5. How many long term committed relationships has he had? 

6. How often does he push for sex?

7. How keen is he to introduce you to his friends and family

8. How much effort has he shown you that he wants to learn about your friends and family? 

Amazing! Let's look at your results...

We are analysing your quiz results right now and preparing a comprehensive summary. (It's a 15 min read)

In your personalised results email, we will also give you free advice and coaching to help you inspire a deep sense of emotional commitment from the man of your choice, even if you've had no luck with men so far.

Please enter your first name and email below so that we can safely deliver your results and explanation to you. (As well as give you $3,765 worth of coaching bonuses!) And yes, we'll treat your email like it was our firstborn.


The Solution:

Here’s the solution:

Get really good at attracting a selection of mature (commitment minded) men in to your life.

You need to know that not all men are worth your time. In fact, beware of the 6 burning signs he doesn’t want an actual relationship with you.

Learn to eliminate the men who are not genuinely wanting something long-term. Learn to eliminate the men who have no desire to be attuned to you as a woman.

And that also means you need to stop “going with the flow” and trusting every man on his word.

Words are cheap.

Question: do you want kids?

Do you want your daughter and your son to have a father who is serious, who will stick around, and who will be a dedicated Daddy?

Or do you rather go with Mr “Good Enough” – only to see your children’s father disappoint them because he just wasn’t truly committed?

Here are 10 signs of a commitment phobic man.

Do you want to have a kitchen with bright lights and a family sitting around the table, enjoying being together?

Then don’t ignore the need to attract a man who will be willing to emotionally commit to you and make you his one and only for life.

I actually have a program that teaches you the 5 secrets to have your chosen man fall in love with you and beg you to be. his one and only. Check it out here.

Don’t Just Settle For A Man Who Is “OK”

Don’t settle for a man who seems ‘OK’ enough because you think you might not find anyone better.

You will.

My members and students have done it, and they do it over and over again.

Here’s the deal:

It’s JUST as easy to attract a bunch of good men as it is to attract the low value, un-committed men, if you just start thinking differently.

It’s not rocket science.

By now you may be wondering if these kind of men exist.

Of course they do.

Not just in my fantasy, but in real life. (And, in my life own life too of course.)

Only, these men come at a price: that price is: YOU getting better at attracting them; because these men only want high value women.

The best only want the best. The idea is as simple as that.

The One Thing You Need To Do Is This:

Increase your value so you find better and better quality men entering your world.

High value men only want high value women.

Ask yourself this question every time you feel desperate:

Where would I walk – where would I GO – how would I hold my body – if there were 1,000 men waiting outside my front door right now?

I guarantee that your whole aura will be different.

Your posture will be tall, you’ll feel more open and feminine from the eyes of men, and they’ll start to WANT you like bees want honey.

The idea is simple: men love to be around women who hold themselves as high value.

Men invest in women when they perceive that the value of her feminine radiance will increase over time.

Here are 3 things that make you high value to men.

Men Never Commit To Low Value Women…

It’s really simple:

We run away from the desperate and run towards those who have intrinsic value.

Men will be repelled by women who have no value to them, and invest. inthe women who have value to them.

Here is how you know when you are getting this exercise of imagining 1,000 men outside your door right:

You’re getting it right when your breathing starts to slow down. When your heart stops beating so fast, you take a deep breath in, and your body is not so full of tension.

You’re REALLY getting it right when you start to feel a big smile creep across your face instead of being so scared.

You’re free then, to be the best version of yourself. Not the nicest version of you, but the BEST version of you.

How To Tell If a Man Is Mature Or Not?

To instantly tell if a man is mature or not in your first few conversations, I have several questions to ask a man in conversation to find out if he is mature or not in my home study course Understanding Men. Click here and find out about this program. 

Your friends will wonder how you can be so good at reading men.

If you want to stop wasting your precious time on men who don’t give you what you want, Understanding Men will allow you to stop doing that.

Skip over to check out the rest of our programs, click here to find out more about our different programs.

Also, I’ve just published my brand new program titled “Becoming His One & Only!”…Click HERE to find out more details and how you can get your man to fall deeper in love with you and beg you to be his one and only.

Take care.

renee wade what to do when he doesn't call

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P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.

If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.

By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

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