3 Undercover Ways to be More High Value Over Other Women & Get Him to Choose You

There’s nothing wrong with secretly wanting to compete with other women.

In fact, intra-sexual competition is alive and well.

In other words, women are always competing with other women, and the same goes with men.

The only difference is, us women mostly compete in much more covert and behind your back kind of ways than men do.

And there’s no shame in recognising that. To compete doesn’t mean you’re not a feminine woman. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.

In fact, the more you try to ignore this fact, the more superficial you have to become and the less attuned you become to both other women, and men!

After all, other women will still compete with you, even if you don’t want to compete with them!

You see, intra-sexual competition is a part of the human experience, and it’s a game that I want you to become good at.

(I know nobody likes the idea of “games”. But the best minds in the area of science and anthropology say that love is actually a game. Or at least, there is an element of game in love.)

Same with competition for a mate. It’s ubiquitous.

If intra-sexual competition wasn’t here on earth to serve in someway, then you and I wouldn’t have made it this far.

You and I are the offspring of women and men who have successfully competed with other members of their own sex.

So, give them a nod of thanks, because you wouldn’t be here today without them!

How to get Him to Choose You?

Use your “natural superpower” to make him see you as the one and only.

So imagine this for a second…

You wake up tomorrow morning from a beautiful sleep, and suddenly you notice that you have this newfound sense of certainty inside of you.

No, not confidence – because confidence is often superficial – but certainty.

Certainty that you have the power to make any man look at you not with sexual desire, but look at you as if you were the only woman in the world.

Right now, focus your mind on a man whom you perceive high value. He’s strong, handsome, kind, and capable. He has so much value that it makes you cry thinking about it.

Now imagine him wanting to make you his own for life.

Imagine him wanting to make sure that you are OK. Imagine him wanting to marry you, to take care of you, be faithful to you and only you, for the rest of your life here on earth.

Like flipping a magic switch – ta da! – and you somehow know for sure that you are ‘The One’.

Yes, the ONE.

Kind of like Neo was ‘The One’ in the movie The Matrix. But – you’re ‘The One’ with that X factor.

The one whom men can’t quite “figure out”, but are drawn to like men were drawn to Marilyn Monroe in the 60s.

The one whom men don’t just want to have sex with, but always want to go deeper with. Deeper into a relationship, that is. (Not just THAT kind of deeper!)

The one whom men don’t bat an eye at spending money on.

The one whom men show little resistance to committing to.

Here’s a video I made on the topic of How To Get Him To Choose You…

Do the quiz: Which of these 8 feminine archetypes am i?


Which one of these 8 feminine archetypes are you? Answer these 21 questions to discover which feminine archetype you are and how it positively and negatively affects every relationship you have. (Especially your intimate relationship with men.)

1. Regarding sex...

2. In terms of dancing…

3. True or false... A man and a woman should get along if they love each other.

4. In my old age, it’s more important to look back and know that

5. I would prefer... 

6. When someone hurts themselves...

7. I believe in premonitions

8. I would prefer to be more...

9. When I’m faced with something unknown, I trust

10. How important are other people’s feelings?

11. When I have to make a tough decision…

12. It’s more important to…

13. When a friend is upset, my first instinct is to:

14. In social situations, I am...

15. I can often feel other people’s intentions from a mile away

16. The thought of newborn babies make me feel…

17. When I meet someone for the first time, I get a gut feeling whether I can trust them or not.

18. Confrontations are...

19. Which is more true?

20. In my current or previous relationship…

21. On a rainy day, I prefer…

Amazing! Let's look at your results...

We are analysing your feminine archetype right now and preparing your personalised summary.

Here’s something interesting to know before moving forward…

Every single one of these archetypes has strengths and weaknesses. No matter how ego stroking it may be to identify with your archetype, know that it’s just a starting point.

It is your job to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses so that you can grow, evolve and become who you are meant to become.

Ultimately you want to become a full multi-dimensional human being. In order to truly become a high value individual, you want to tap into the value that every part of you has to bring to the table.

This feminine archetype quiz is one step along this journey to help you discover who you are, and who you will become.

So here is the next step.

Please enter your first name and email below so that we can safely deliver your feminine archetype results and send to you the extended explanation. (As well as give you $3,765 worth of coaching bonuses!)

And yes, we'll treat your email like it was our firstborn.

Would You Want This Feeling Of Certainty If You Could Have It?

Or would you shy away from such an opportunity, not wanting to risk getting hurt, or embarrassing yourself?

Because I know how hard it is to believe when all you’ve known is half-assed, commitment phobic men.

It’s definitely not easy to TRUST that a positive experience is out there when you’ve been very hurt in the past, and I know you have been hurt.

Well, allow me to quickly share something with you. I’ve been doing this for over 15 years now, and my confidence in women being able to inspire men to protect them, love them and commit to them only grows over time.

It wasn’t always this way.

I Used To Assume ‘Luck’ Was The Reason Women Found Great Men

I used to think that men are either selfish or giving, and that we couldn’t influence whether they were giving or not. I used to assume that some women just got lucky in love and landed a good man.

As it turns out, I was wrong.

As time has gone on, I’ve come to realise that for both men and women – it’s not about luck. It’s how they show up that matters. If you truly are ready to commit to dream love with your dream man, then yes – there IS something you can do.

There is something you can do in order to inspire that in almost any man you want.

Of course, if we’re talking about getting a married man to leave his wife and family to enter into a committed relationship with you – then maybe you’d have a harder time with that!

(We get plenty of emails from women asking us, “How can I make him leave his wife? Lol. It sure shocked my husband at first!)

And of course, you cannot make EVERY single man on earth want to commit to you and love you forever, because timing is also important!

It’s Not That Hard To Make A Man See Your Value For A Committed Relationship…

You certainly can make many men feel you as the woman they fall in love with rather than the woman they keep around for convenience and sex.

Here’s a little known secret:

It’s just as easy to get men to see you as their ‘one and only’ woman as it is to get them to see you as their ‘one of many’ woman. It’s easy when you understand a few simple things.

It’s really not that hard to answer that question for yourself: “how do I make him realize my value?”. Because the answer lies in showing up with the relevant types of value to men!

Then, it will be effortless and easy to have men want you deeply, and desire to commit to you forever.

I’m about to share with you how you can do this for yourself. Because I believe life is far too short to sit around and just take crumbs from men. It’s far too short to just be the ‘one of many woman’ forever.

This is why I created my program, “Becoming His One & Only”. You can check it out here.

#1: Be Clear On Which Competition You Are Trying To Win

Choose your battles carefully.

What do I mean? I mean that most women these days make the disastrous mistake of entering the competition of who can be the most sexy or visually attractive to men. Or worse, women try to “out-slut” each other.

It’s like pricing yourself lower than other women in order to undercut them. The only problem is, you end up looking like another piece of meat.

Are you really just another commodity? Or do you also have a soul?

The competition you should be entering is the competition of showing up as the one and only, not the one of many!

Lead With Emotional Connection, Not Your Sex Appeal

If you want a committed, loving, passionate and sacred relationship for the long term, then act like a woman who wants that by not just leading with your sex appeal.

Because it what that does is it just appeals to men’s sex drive, not to their desire to connect with you and take care of you.

You can still have sex appeal, just don’t lead with your sex appeal from the get go (unless you want men to just want to have sex with you), because that would be a painful mistake on your part.

It’s kind of like shooting yourself in the foot. Many of us women make the mistake of assuming that in the context of a relationship, men actually perceive the most value in you turning them on sexually.

(Hint: if you want a deeply committed relationship, then it’s best to have the belief that men perceive value in experiencing emotional attraction and emotional connection with you).

On that note, do you know what the 2 Critical elements of any intimate relationship are and how they make or break your love life? Find out here!

Hey, I don’t blame you for wanting to be desired. We are all driven by sex! Sex is wonderful and it gets our genes passed on.

Sex (and whether we get sex or not) affects our emotional and psychological state.

However, I’m not asking you to put away your sex appeal forever. I’m asking you to consider the value in not leading with your need to be desired.

You see, if you’re in a place in your life right now where you want commitment, then have a think about this…

If You Want A Committed Relationship, Then Don’t Lead With Your Desire To Be Desired

If what you truly want is a man to fall in love with you, then the competition you should be entering is not the one of being sexually attractive, unfortunately.

Instead of leading with your sexiness (which is by the way, very plentiful in this world), you will need to lead with your desire to connect and attract a man emotionally.

The more you signal your readiness for sex from the first minute, the more likely it is that the men you want, no matter his quality, will categorise you in the ‘one of many’ category.

So does this mean that you need to actually tone down your sex appeal to men?

Yes, in the beginning, if you’re truly serious about men falling in love with you rather than just desiring you.

Here are 5 Unusual Signs A Man is Falling In Love.

YES, You CAN Make A Man Realize Your Value By NOT Turning Up Your Sex Appeal!

A lot of women have expressed to me that they simply don’t believe in this. They don’t believe that they can get a man if they don’t turn up their sex appeal.

These women are sensitive to the female competition out there who are amping up their sexual appeal.

Well, my answer is: what are you wanting to attract?


Or deep romantic love, where a man is completely and utterly emotionally invested in you, and mad about you?

Here’s what I mean:

I mean that the energy you put out comes back to you tenfold.

So, don’t waste your time, your reproductive years, trying to put out the energy that you want to get cheap attention from men.

Cheap attention is everywhere, almost any woman can get it.

What a lot of women do struggle to get in this day and age of political correctness, and in this society that values self sufficiency, is a man being head over heels in love.

What many women do struggle with, is developing a deep emotional connection and a deep emotional attraction.

And it’s not our fault. Our society kind of sets us up to value instant gratification and the novelty of new partners.

Marriage Doesn’t Always Mean Commitment

Having said all this, marriage isn’t necessarily the best goal to aim for either.

A lot of married women still struggle getting their man to fall in love.

This is because a lot of married couples don’t necessarily marry out of pure emotional attraction and emotional connection. They get together (or marry) because of many other reasons, like convenience or pressure.

Not everyone gets married because they are in love.

So, be smarter than your competition on instagram, facebook, tinder, bumble, and match.com. Don’t be a sexual commodity. That’s what almost everyone is trying to be.

If you’re dating online, it’s a good idea to read this article on the 5 Most Common Mistakes Women Make in Online Dating.

Not every woman has the courage to engage emotionally with a man from the start, because we weren’t exactly taught how, were we? Algebra was more important in school, not our relationship happiness!

In Online Dating, First Lead With Connection

So here’s an idea: in your online dating profile (if you use one) lead with the desire to connect, and put up a fully clothed, somewhat mysterious and classy picture of yourself. (no sexual posing, just you. As you are. Just a smile is enough.)

And if you don’t use online dating or dating apps, then you know what to do when you meet men in real life: don’t try to prove you’re sexy. Simply connect. Reach out and connect generously.

If you don’t know how to do that, simply start with wobbly baby steps and you will gain more and more courage along the way.

In online dating, these baby steps would mean to use high value banter to stand out and cut through all the other conversations a man is having with other women online.

Check out our free class on high value banter here.

SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little known “Dark Feminine Art” to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. (CLICK HERE to enrol in this free class before it’s gone.)

Use High Value Banter To Make Him Realize Your Value Quickly Online

High value banter will help you bypass the boring superficial conversation and open the door to connecting with a man’s soul, fast! Check out my article on How To Banter With A Guy.

The hardest part is to start, despite fearing you’ll look like an idiot. Trust me – you won’t look like an idiot, if your intention is truly to connect.

And if you feel like this shouldn’t be a competition, and you shouldn’t have to compete but just be yourself, well – sometimes we try to avoid competition to give ourselves the illusion of safety.

I agree in being yourself, but the trick is actually being yourself unapologetically and taking the masks off.

Intra-sexual competition is one of the biggest reasons why you and I are here, existing today.

We are the product of our ancestors who entered the intra-sexual competition and did well for themselves. So you might as well embrace it and at least enter the right competition and give yourself a great advantage – ie: show up as the one and only type of woman from the start.

This is why I made my program “Becoming His One & Only”. If you want to learn more about showing up as the one and only woman, check out “Becoming His One & Only” here.

A Minority Of Men Will Never Appreciate You Or Realise Your Value

I do want to warn you of something though. It’s not the norm for men to be like this, but I do believe that there is a small percentage of men who don’t have the ability to feel deeply for you, or for anyone else.

Call them sociopaths or psychopaths, men who fall into the ‘dark triad’ of behaviour or maybe just men with shiny object syndrome.

Related: 7 Burning Signs A Man Is Being Low Value.

So, don’t feel bad if you truly do show up as the one and only, and he cannot connect as deeply with you.

There’s just a small percentage of men who will be like this and it isn’t your fault! But what matters is that you have the understanding and skills to show up as the one and only. That’s the most important thing.

SPECIAL REPORT: How to Become the World’s Most Attractive & Feminine Goddess (Even if you have no self esteem or no man has ever paid you any attention…) CLICK HERE to download it at no cost.


#2: Show High Value Vulnerability

What is high value vulnerability? (You can find out how to use high value vulnerability in this article.)

Now, let’s put this into context. If we were talking about dating, to show high value vulnerability from the first date would be to not show up with masks on.

So, be the first woman he’s ever dated who doesn’t show up with masks on.

Obviously, high value vulnerability is a very deep topic and if you were in a relationship and wanted to utilise high value vulnerability, you’d have a lot more to learn. We talk at depth about high value vulnerability in our programs. But for the purposes of this article today, we will be talking about dating.

By the way, there are exactly 7 Signs that a Woman is Perceived as Low Value to Men. Do you know what they are? (And how to avoid them like the plague?) CLICK to find out here.

What Is High Value Vulnerability When Dating?

So what does it mean to show up without masks? It means to not worry about being in control.

Here’s an example. I was nervous and embarrassed the first time my husband and I went out on a proper dinner date.

Granted, we were young and didn’t have much money, so we did not go on many dinner dates at all, and instead spent many hours walking around the city or talking in the car instead.

However, this one time was the very first time he took me out for dinner and I was nervous.

I was answering a question he asked and I was waving my hands around whilst talking and I lost control of myself. Lol.

What I mean is, while I was busy answering his question, I accidentally whacked the fork on my own side of the table and it flew up in the air and slammed back down on the table with a loud whack. In a peaceful restaurant.

I turned red like a bell pepper. I thought “Oh my god. I’m seen now….” I went a little red, because I realised it was suddenly obvious that I wasn’t in control of myself.

Oh well. It is what it is. He laughed it off, and to be honest, I’m still much like that today.

Don’t Be The Type Of Woman Who HAS To Be In Control Of Herself

It’s him who first appreciated that in me later on. He laughed about it happily and said “I like that. It’s a good thing. It shows you’re not trying hard to be in control.”

I’m not the type of woman who is always in control and you don’t need to be either.

I remember we were away on a New Zealand trip one day and I pointed to the beautiful and famous mountain range over there, called the ‘remarkables’, and I was in heaven looking at them.

They were so big and beautiful, I was in awe of them – I mean they took my breath away. And then I asked him “are these one of the seven wonders of the world?”

What a totally uneducated, silly question to ask, right?

I’m embarrassed to be telling you what a stupid question I asked! I’ve never won any trivia competition that’s for sure.

So if you think you’re silly and out of control, you couldn’t be as bad as I was….could you? (share your story with me below if you have a silly story like this!)

Eliminate The Men Who Judge Or Oppress Your High Value Vulnerability

You see, some men might be assholes and judge you and ridicule you for not having great knowledge or great capabilities.

But do you really want a man who wants to suppress you in this way? Isn’t that more of a toxic relationship than a healthy relationship?

Men who always have to be right and in control will always be more likely to suppress your femininity and vulnerability. So be aware of that.

I know that sometimes it’s a privilege to be able to let go and not have to be in control and know everything. Because many of us women have to direct ourselves and our own lives these days, and get stuff done.

Yet sometimes we get a little too uptight with having to know ‘everything’, and being in control. This is just a reminder that you don’t need to be in control to be worthy. In fact, being out of control is vulnerable, normal, relatable and real.

By the way, would you like to know the ONE specific emotional hot button inside of every man in this world that inspires him to WANT to commit to one woman, want to take care of her and only her? I’ll show you what that specific hot button is here.

If you’re in a long term relationship and are curious about High Value Vulnerability, see our program Commitment Control 2 where we teach you in depth about how to embody that.

how do i make him realize my value

#3: Lead With Value, Rather Than Taking Value

There is one thing I want you to understand. Most people make the silly mistake of going to the relationships in their lives to take.

And so when you do this over and over, it drains from the connection you have with the other person. I’m sure you’ve been on the receiving end of this yourself with men at times, haven’t you?

As women, our primary driver is to seek investment from men. We want resources and we want a committed relationship.

Unfortunately, for men, the default position is to minimise investment in a woman. The keyword here being ‘default’. That’s their default UNLESS she is his one and only. Then they will beg you to commit to them.

Here’s an article on 3 Reasons Why All Men Secretly Love to Commit.

How Do I Make Him Realise My Value? Help Him Feel Like He Won Gold With You

So, help a man to feel like he won gold with you by appreciating that it’s important to lead with value first, rather than seeing a man for what he can give you.

For example his money, status, and maybe even marriage.

(Just between you and I, a broke or jobless man can still be high value.)

So, as painful and disappointing your past experiences with men may be…

As much as you would want a man to lead with value first and add value to YOUR life instead of always just taking, it’s important to lead with value yourself too.

There’s no long term benefit in taking from men. They will just do the same to you, because we all attract our reciprocal.

Just because we are women, doesn’t mean that only men should add value. Remember that we are all human.

Do the quiz: how commitment friendly is my man?


Fact: Some men will string you along for as long as you will tolerate and never fully commit to you. Answer these 8 questions to discover precisely how commitment friendly your man is.

1. When I speak to other guys, and give attention to other men...

2. How willing is he to have a fight or argument with me?

3. What is his relationship with his father like?

4. When I first started dating him, he mentioned commitment & long term relationships

5. How many long term committed relationships has he had? 

6. How often does he push for sex?

7. How keen is he to introduce you to his friends and family

8. How much effort has he shown you that he wants to learn about your friends and family? 

Amazing! Let's look at your results...

We are analysing your quiz results right now and preparing a comprehensive summary. (It's a 15 min read)

In your personalised results email, we will also give you free advice and coaching to help you inspire a deep sense of emotional commitment from the man of your choice, even if you've had no luck with men so far.

Please enter your first name and email below so that we can safely deliver your results and explanation to you. (As well as give you $3,765 worth of coaching bonuses!) And yes, we'll treat your email like it was our firstborn.


What Does It Mean To “Lead With Value”?

I want you to learn to lead with value. What would that look like? Well, it’s different in different contexts.

Here’s a quick tip: leading with value for you as a woman in the dating market would mean to look to establish the two things that truly matter to men (for a relationship).

These two things are: emotional attraction and emotional connection.

These are the things that inspire the need for a deeply committed relationship (with you) in men. Otherwise, they won’t seek it with you!

Attraction and connection are the two critical things that make a relationship work.

So, instead of investing in your worries and anxieties, how about giving yourself the gift of certainty and confidence?

Give yourself that gift of certainty in your body by knowing that the important things are to build attraction and connection, and this equals leading with value.

Connect to a man’s soul and practise appreciating the masculine soul in men.

Even if right now the only masculinity he is exhibiting is playing video games. At least he wants to win and find solutions, even if it’s not in the way you want it to be, right?

(By the way, don’t take this to mean that you have to tolerate bad behaviour in men! To help you know what you should and should not tolerate in men, I’ve actually written an article on 6 Behaviours You Should Never Tolerate in a Man).

You Leading With Value Allow Men To Reveal Who They REALLY Are (Fast!)

Eventually, if you focus on building emotional connection and emotional attraction with the right man, something interesting will happen.

You will either discover that you’ve created a beautiful, sacred connection with a man who never wants to leave you. Or you’ll discover through your own gut instinct or intuition by interacting with him, that he doesn’t value connection or you, at all.

You see, when you look to take value instead of give value, you will be much slower to find out the truth about a man’s intentions.

Giving Value Is A ‘Test’

Because when you take, you’re not attuned to the other person – you’re attuned to your own impulses and perceived scarcities in your life.

It’s much like treating a friend to lunch or coffee. You pay for them, because you get to find out whether they want to invest in you or not next time. You get to see if they bother wanting to invite you out again and treat you to a coffee.

When you lead with value by focusing on connecting – you’ll quickly feel and see if there’s any real connection. And isn’t that wonderful?

Who wants to waste precious time? We only have one life. Here’s another article I wrote on the 3 Things that Make Women High Value to Men. 

That is all. Please leave me a comment below, I love reading your stories, your thoughts and your feelings. And if you liked this article, you’re going to love my new program “Becoming His One and Only”. Go here to get your hands on a copy of it!

OK that’s all from me, now over to you. Do share your experiences with me! I always look forward to reading your comments and stories here.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of other women competing with you? Is there anything in this article you need clarification on? Let me know!

renee wade what to do when he doesn't call

P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.

If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.

By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

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