What Is Femininity?

If a woman is really feminine, she will be more likely attract a really masculine male.

It’s no guarantee because after all, not all women who are feminine can attract a strong masculine man. Femininity alone is not the thing that attracts a man. It is merely one of several factors that all add up to make you a high value woman whom men fall in love with.

(This is part 2 of a two article series on What Is Femininity. See part 1 here.)

If you are struggling to get in touch with your femininity, or are fearing being more feminine, I encourage you to live truly in your core. There is a small subset of the female population (around 10% some experts say), who are masculine at their core.

Yet overall, most women are truly feminine at their core.

What Is Femininity

(Click here to take the quiz “How Naturally Feminine Am I Actually?”)

Do our feminine energy quiz: how feminine am i really?


Fact: Most women do not live day to day in their feminine energy. Are you? Answer the next 9 questions and discover exactly how much you are living in your feminine core...

1. Which of these comments make me feel the most alive?

2. In a high pressured situation, my natural instinct is to...

3. In the bedroom, i prefer someone who is...

4. If I’m in a supermarket, and I can’t find something…

5. If i had a deadline for a project in a month, I tend to...

6. When I am cooking, I can also carry on a conversation over the phone...

7. Which of the following describes the kind of intimate partners you’ve had in the past...

8. It would hurt me more if my intimate partner were to say to me:

9. In my ultimate dream world, I would rather…

Amazing! Let's look at your results...

We are analysing your quiz results right now and preparing a comprehensive summary. (It's a 15 min read)

This in-depth explanation and analysis will give you all the answers as to how feminine you are and how that affects every relationship you will have. 

Please enter your first name and email below so that we can safely deliver your results and explanation to you. (As well as give you $3,765 worth of coaching bonuses!) And yes, we'll treat your email like it was our firstborn.


Femininity And “Rules”

I’m not here to tell you that there are 1 million and 1 rules for being feminine.

For example, you don’t have to do the washing and cleaning in order to be feminine. You can be feminine without doing these things.

You are also not immediately feminine just because you wear dresses all the time, wear long hair (although, I do believe keeping your hair long helpful for achieving a feminine ‘image’).

But you can still be very feminine with short hair or a bob (take for example, Halle Berry, Winona Ryder, Natalie Portman and Heidi Klum when they don a short hairstyle). 

(Read my article about the case for going without make up)

Femininity Is Not. About. Rules.

Rules = rigid, and a really feminine woman is definitely not rigid! Femininity is about being FREE.

Free to be yourself, free to love and be loved. Free to live in flow energy rather than in conquering energy (the masculine energy is linear and pointed whereas the feminine is about flow).

Free to not judge others, free to want the best for others, free to not expect others to conform to your rules.

Free to understand, free to lead and not follow, free to believe rather than doubt.

Free to do good, free to care, free to love yourself,

Free to be all parts of yourself, free to embody your dark and light feminine and yes, even free to be masculine when you need to be!

By free I mean, to not be trapped in your own negative beliefs, and to not trap yourself and stop yourself from fulfilling your full potential in your life.

Here’s a video I made about How To Be More Feminine & Soft in 4 Simple Steps.

Free Yourself From Suffering And You Can Become More Feminine

Ultimately, you’re here on this site because you want more, and you want to learn. I think all of us want more.

We want to become more of who we are in our soul and at our core. The only barrier to having more is within yourself – the perspective you have on something.

Once you’re free from suffering, you are much more able to have a fulfilling relationship with your man, be a better friend, a better mother, a better daughter, sister, girlfriend, wife, whatever shoes you fill.

If a woman doesn’t feel free in her life, she will exude this heavy, dead kind of energy which doesn’t encourage men (or women) to want to be around her.

You’ve probably met many women who exude this kind of energy, too.

What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her? Click here to find out right now…

Femininity Starts From Within

You can still dress in pants and be feminine. You can still wear tailored suits and be feminine.

You can still wear jeans, army pants, hoodies, trackies, whatever – and be feminine.

As I have said before, being feminine is about who you are from the INSIDE.

If you radiate a sense of feminine freedom, softness and happiness, you can wear a paper bag and you’ll still be feminine. 

It really has little to do with your looks. Whatever your look or style is, there are men and women out there who will find you attractive, gorgeous and beautiful.

I do recommend try dressing traditionally feminine, classy and elegant.

However, my point is that if you don’t; this doesn’t necessarily preclude you from being a feminine woman.

Do you think men can still be masculine with long hair for example? Of course they can!

Of course, wearing dresses, perfume, ribbons, bows, long hair, earrings, heels etc – are an instant visual cue for femininity.

You are however, not confined to one way of doing things in order to become more feminine.

If you can stimulate your man intellectually, sexually, mentally, spiritually, inspire him to become better and to achieve more success and happiness – then you’re worth a whole lot more than the perfect physical ‘canvass’ of a woman that is hollow inside.

And, more often than not, it’s the empty vessel that makes the most noise, right?

What Is Real Feminine Freedom?

By the way – just because I say femininity is about freedom, I don’t mean that a woman always wants freedom.

I mean that a truly feminine woman is not TRAPPED in her head. In dis-empowering beliefs. Being trapped in your head takes you out of the state of embodiment, which is necessary for becoming more feminine.

To be feminine, it’s critical that you are able to be seated in your body, feeling rather than stressing and over thinking.

A critical part of releasing your feminine energy is understanding that a the feminine energy within you wants to be owned by her man.

Don’t all of us women want to be owned by a strong man, sometimes?

We all want a strong man who knows what he wants and is confident enough to go and get it.

Not only this, but he’s confident enough to lead his woman. A man can be soft if he likes too, but if a man is always soft and gentle to you, that gets boring after a while, doesn’t it?!

Here’s an article I wrote on surrendering to masculine energy. This article will describe to you what it means to be comfortable letting a man ‘own’ you. (A man you can trust, of course! Because not every man is worthy of this.)

(Read my article about How To Be Soft And Feminine)

learn the dark feminine art of High Value Banter here.

Feminine Image

I have mentioned before that you should dress in feminine clothing that suits you.

If you want to keep your ideal man for life, your image is important, and it helps immensely to appear feminine (feminine, not slutty) on the outside.

But you don’t have to. It’s all about having grace, and most importantly, exuding self-confidence. (Read my article about how to be confident with men).

You can still play sports and be feminine. It’s HOW you do it that determines whether you’re more manly or more womanly.

You’re not just one kind of person. You can go for a run, or play golf, but do it in a way that you enjoy. Ie: don’t do it just to try to be more worthy!

(A woman who lives in her feminine sexual essence will do this naturally).

The key to radiating feminine energy is to know that whatever you do to try to be more worthy takes you further away from being more naturally feminine. Because when you’re trying to be worthy, you’re not emotionally sensitive, you’re not attuned to situations or relationships and this takes you out of your body and your natural sensitivity.

Feminine/Masculine In A Woman

There are definitely masculine facets to every woman. We need masculine energy as well, to be balanced, and to get things done and to move forward.

When I was doing my Law degree, and completing my exams, you can bet I was in more masculine mode! Masculine energy is FOCUSED and feminine energy tends to fluctuate more.

Women can also do heaps of things at once, but men generally work a whole lot better when focusing on one thing.

And believe me, I needed to focus in order to pass my exams (any exam!) I got through, but my exam periods did terrible things to the balance of my relationship with my man.

He hated me studying. Those were the times when our passion dwindled and the emotional attraction in our relationship took a back seat.

So, every woman would ideally have a very well developed masculine facet to her personality.

And every man would ideally have a very well developed feminine side to his character. Although of course – the majority of a feminine woman’s character will be taken up by feminine energy.

More On Traits Of A Feminine Woman

If you would like to learn more about what feminine traits are, I’ve done a number of posts talking about this.

But you can take a look at this image below to help you understand what feminine energy really is:

what is feminine

There are plenty more posts on feminine energy here for you to peruse, just so that I’m not repeating myself in my posts.

Thank YOU and take care! 🙂

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If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.

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