So many relationships today are crippled under the force of depolarization and loss of sexual polarity.
I will start with a definition of depolarization:
To partially or completely eliminate or counteract the polarization of.
Where on earth does this word come from and what does it mean in the context of your relationship with men?
What it means is that within your relationship, if one of you doesn’t play/embody the feminine energy and the other doesn’t play the masculine energy, then the sexual attraction will diminish or be non existent in that moment.
This happens when both of you are more feminine, and it can also happen when both of you are more masculine.
It can happen in same sex relationships as well as in opposite sex relationships!
For example:
Imagine you are a typically feminine woman, and you walk into the bathroom one day to find your boyfriend making himself look nice in front of the mirror.
Nothing unusual, you think. He’s just trying to make himself presentable.
But what if he spends more time than you on his appearance?
Or worse, what if he is the one to be asking you questions like…
“Does my hair look ok?”
“Does my butt look ok in this?”
You would start to feel repelled.
And this act of feeling repelled is just your feminine core saying: I can’t be sexually attracted to someone who takes over the feminine presence in this relationship! (Isn’t that my job??)
Table of Contents
Most People Have A Primary Energy More Associated With Their Gender
Most men and women, regardless of what they’re showing up as, have a sexual essence that is more typically associated with their gender.
So, most women will be feminine at their core, and most men will be masculine at their core.
There are women who are more masculine at their core, and there are men who are more feminine, naturally, at their core.
However, most men are more masculine, and most women are more feminine.
Do our feminine energy quiz: how feminine am i really?
Polarity In Relationships: Men Are Becoming More Feminine, & Women More Masculine
Frequently what happens is that women in this modern day are more masculine now, and men are more feminine.
Because of how society has changed throughout history, the roles of women and men have changed greatly.
Our job here is to recognize this big change and the negative effects that it may have on our relationships, and truly honor the differences between the sexes!
(Read my article about are you a feminine, masculine or neutral)
Let me just confirm:
I am not encouraging manipulation. This entire site is about helping women become better women, and to embrace more of who they are and bring out more of what they embody at their core.
Masculine Feminine Polarity: Mistakes Women Make With Men To Cause Depolarization
Due to a general lack of understanding of sexual polarity in relationships, the truth is that the vast majority of women are making HUGE, and often somewhat irreversible mistakes with men!
The men may not even know what on earth has caused them to feel sour towards the woman. Yet we are so out of touch with our personal identification of our sexual essence at our core, that most men don’t really know what is actually going on consciously.
But they know they don’t want to be with that woman. So, the relationship fails. Or the marriage fails.
Many relationships lack passion, depth, closeness, respect, understanding and worship.
I am aware that worship is a strong word, but wouldn’t you like to be worshiped by your man? I will talk more about worship in later posts. Back to the main point.
Depolarization And Sexual Essence
ONE of the ways in which depolarization occurs, is when the woman (or man) does things that take away from the other person’s sexual essence.
For example, one of the core differences between masculine and feminine is that men are driven by direction in life, and women are driven by emotion.
Here’s a good infographic I made that shows you what each sexual essence is primarily driven by (that is usually very different or opposite to that of what the other energy is motivated by!):
What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her? Click here to find out right now…
Depolarization: 8 Mistakes Women Make That Destroy Sexual Polarity
- Question whether he knows where he’s going whilst driving.
- Get frustrated that he appears lost (get angry at him for it and even exclaiming that you’re late because of him, or rolling your eyes. This hurts a masculine man deeply. (read my article about how to comfort your man)
- Suggesting you call a mechanic to help him with the car when he is diligently trying to fix it himself!
- Suggesting he ask somebody for directions
- Ridiculing his goals and dreams
- Mentioning his failures to get that job, get the raise, get that promotion, get that degree.
- Making him and his behaviour wrong.
- Telling him how his ideas/opinion is wrong (boy, have I made this mistake before!!)
More On Polarity In A Relationship
I think we have all made a couple of the above mistakes, if not all.
The problem with doing the things I have mentioned above (and there are many more examples), is that the woman has just destroyed the polarity between her and her man.
(Click here to take the quiz “Am I Dating a Commitment Friendly Man?”)
Polarity is the quality of opposites/opposing energies in your relationship.
Polarity is an essential, IMPORTANT ingredient to have in your relationship if you want it to last. And last with passion, love, commitment and desire.
Here are 6 Signs He REALLY Likes You.
One quick way to rectify the situation when you and your man have become depolarized, is to say…
‘Oh yes! You are right about that, how come I didn’t think of that?!’.
You don’t want to be insincere. However, if he does have a point, at least acknowledge this to him and maybe ask him for more of an explanation.
You’ll find it much easier to connect with him, rather than ending up in a painful argument that doesn’t serve either of you.
In fact, it means a lot to a masculine man if you can actually surrender to his masculine direction.
It is when you do not trust him and his masculine direction that the erotic tension tends to wane and disappear altogether!
Law Of Polarity In Relationships: Don’t Make THIS Mistake With Your Man!
If you want to preserve the law of polarity in your relationship and maintain or even increase sexual attraction, then be sure to deeply appreciate his need to feel masculine with you.
Here’s the worst mistake you can make to destroy sexual polarity if your man is masculine at his core…
As his woman, the worst thing you can do is to somehow imply that he is wrong.
A fast way to build up resentment in a man who has a masculine sexual essence is to tell him he is wrong.
Reverse the situation, and a fast way to build resentment in a woman with a feminine sexual essence to to tell her she is ugly.
Also, if by any chance another woman somehow gives your man reason to think he’s right, and to feel more of a man, he might start associating more positively with her instead!
Read: He Said Another Woman Is More Attractive Than Me. How Do I Cope? [A Guide]
This is what happens when you do not fill your man up/meet his needs. (read my article about What Makes A Man Leave His Wife For Another Woman).
How To Increase Feminine Polarity: A Woman’s Support And Admiration Of Her Man
There are a few things you can do to increase feminine polarity. The goal is to make him feel more polarized and in his masculine polarity around you.
To succeed with men/a man, you must learn to be the woman he can count on for support.
(The woman who gives him reasons to feel like he is a MAN when external things are pulling him down.)
You must be the internal link to his core sense of masculine identity. You must have the quality and understanding of femininity as well, and the distinction between the sexual energy of the sexes. (See again, my table above!)
If you look up to him and admire him and truly believe in him, it’s going to be hard to find another woman to take your place!
Often what happens in relationships is that the woman is so unaware of this that she destroys not only the polarity and the core sexual energy between them and therefore the PASSION, and that she slowly but surely destroys his masculinity and sense of identity.
He will lose hope. And YOU will start to lose respect for him, because men who have lost hope or lost the ‘fight’ in them often let women walk all over them.
Let’s face it, no woman truly respects a man that lets her walk all over him. Most – if not all women want to be led and taken care of by their man.
Lots of women (and men of course), are actually digging a grave for their romantic relationship, and don’t really understand why.
I hope this gave you some insight on how to maintain polarity, as well as romantic and sexual attraction in your relationship.
By the way, I’ve just published my brand new program titled “Becoming His One & Only!”Come and find out more details about how you can get your man to fall deeper in love with you and beg you to be his one and only
I guess all of us have many questions about men, for example, why do men pull away?
This is just one of the questions answered in our program Understanding Men. Click here to find out more about this program and earn a degree in Understanding Men in 2 weeks.
(The promise of this course is for you discover the secrets of the masculine perspective so that you can get through to any man, connect with him heart to heart, and inspire his deepest loyalty and commitment.)
Any thoughts, suggestions or anything, feel free to share!
P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.
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By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.
- Here’s my Youtube Channel The Feminine Woman.
- Here’s The Feminine Woman Facebook page…
- Here’s my Instagram Pages TheFeminineWoman
Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. She graduated with a bachelor of Law and bachelor of Arts majoring in sociology and psychology. She has been a dating and relationship coach for women in the past 15 years and together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 20 million women through their articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.
Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.