What is love for a man? How can you give love to a man in a way that he actually perceives it to be love?
As women, we value certain and safe love from a man. That is, the kind of love that is stable, eternal and divine.
We want to know that a man loves us, regardless of what happens, regardless of changes in life, mistakes we may make, age, or any external factors.
Of course, we want love from other people in our lives too, but when it comes to a man, we really crave that certain love from him.
(Click here to take the quiz “Am I Dating a Commitment Friendly Man?”)
So when it comes to love, aside from wanting and coveting this otherworldly love from a man, we ought to think about what it means to love a man and how to GIVE love.
I’m sure all of us have toyed with this questions in our mind before:
‘Does he love me?’.
And it’s an easy question to ask. After all, it’s about ourselves.
After some time, we might actually start to question, well, what is love anyway?
If he says he loves me, what does it mean?
And when I say I love him, what I do really mean?

Table of Contents
What Is Love For a Man Hint: It’s Not This…
A lot of women and men love the idea of a certain person. What I mean by this is, you may want someone badly, and that person may represent those “things” you want most.
However, when it comes to the crunch, you actually don’t LOVE that person.
Love is never just a feeling of admiration, it’s never just the feeling of BEING in love.
It’s not just being so attracted to a man you cannot control your desires, and it’s not longing for him so much that you cannot go a moment without thinking about him.
(Read my article about what every woman need to know about trusting a man)
In a long-term marriage or relationship, TRUE love takes a high level of humility and self-sacrifice.
What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her? Click here to find out right now…
For a feminine woman, this can be difficult, but it is an essential skill and characteristic to have.
Since sometimes, your man may not always show you certain or consistent love. If he is too focused on his work, how to provide for his family, the T.V, problems at work or sports, he may unknowingly put your needs after all of this.
Related: Why Men Pull Away: 7 Signs & How To Stay High Value
Now, lovely, this is where a lot of women crumble. If their man does not call, forgets an important occasion, doesn’t show enough affection towards you or the children, or if he forgets to show that he cares full stop, a lot of women “crack it”.
It doesn’t stop there. Perhaps they yell, or start getting demanding, controlling, or insecure. Sometimes all of these put together!
Love is like exercising or following through with your dreams/goals. It’s great if you can do it when it’s easy, but it’s when you can do it when it’s hard that really counts.
If you can show love when it’s the hardest, I guarantee you will not lose a man’s admiration and love.
(Click here to take the quiz “How Naturally Feminine Am I Actually?”)
Do our feminine energy quiz: how feminine am i really?
So, what do you do when he doesn’t call or do something he promised?
If you truly love a man, you will love him enough to put your own fears and concerns aside, and take responsibility for his feelings/thoughts.
He has feelings, too, no matter how strong/decisive/in-control he may seem. It will take some humility and self-sacrifice to put your own concerns after his, and instead, decide to show HIM love instead.
(Read my article about why men won’t commit)
Of course, as feminine women, we do have vulnerabilities, and do fear that we may lose a man’s love.
But if we can nurture him and show him feminine love and consideration, you will command a much higher level of love and respect from him than anyone else could!
A feminine woman will be gentle and soft towards him, ask him about his life and show our special love where it is needed. Moreover, a feminine woman will continue to show this love when it isn’t necessary, and even when it is uncomfortable!
What Is Love For A MAN? Give Him These 3 Things And He Will Feel Loved
Here are the top 3 things men perceive to be love. So give these, and when you think he may need them extra much – that’s when you need to give them!
- Your understanding
- Your feminine energy (this encompasses sexual energy as well as your emotional presence).
- Your emotional resourcefulness (click here to read about the MOST valuable thing you can give to a man.)
Truly giving to a man doesn’t mean giving him the things that YOU see as valuable. It’s giving him the things that HE sees as valuable.
So, to get to the point I was trying to make…you may love your man in the traditional sense, (care for him, give to him), but love in the long-term requires self-sacrifice and requires that you consistently, on a regular basis, take responsibility for his feelings as well as yours. So it’s not just give-and-take.
By the way, I want to teach you 5 secrets to having your man fall deeply in love with you and beg you to be his one and only. These 5 secrets are inside of my brand new program. Click HERE to get yourself a copy before they run out!
How to inspire commitment from a man? Click here to learn the one specific emotional trigger that instantly inspires any man to commit.
I hope you have a lovely day! Also, please give us your thoughts on the idea or concept of what love is 🙂
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By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.
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P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.
If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.
By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.
- Here’s my Youtube Channel The Feminine Woman.
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Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. She graduated with a bachelor of Law and bachelor of Arts majoring in sociology and psychology. She has been a dating and relationship coach for women in the past 15 years and together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 20 million women through their articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.
Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.